COCOP project opens the source code of COCOP Toolkit for the information exchange and systems integration.
The COCOP consortium launches the final video of the project with the main results obtained.
The two deliverables of the WP6 (Co-creation, verification & validation) and the last three ones of the WP7 (Communication, Dissemination and exploitation) have been submitted.
The 6th General meeting of the project was organized the 8-9th October 2019 in the VTT facilities, Otaniemi Campus, Espoo, Finland.
The last deliverable “D5.3. Runtime system prototype with user guide (update)” of the WP5 (Optimization and implementation) has been submitted.
The COCOP solution can be used for the development of advanced monitoring and control tools designed to increase water quality while reducing operating costs and environmental footprint.
COCOP presents the major objectives, challenges and outcomes of the project in this workshop organised by the MONSOON project, 20th September 2019 in Turin (Italy).
COCOP presents the papers “The Extended Kalman Filter for Nonlinear State Estimation in a U-loop Bioreactor” and “Economic Optimal Control of a U-loop Bioreactor using Simultaneous Collocation-based Approaches”.
The European Commission is organising the EU Research and Innovation Days on 24,25 and 26 September 2019 in Brussels.
COCOP presents the paper “Plant-wide optimization of a copper smelter: how to do it in practice?”.
A transferability meeting was organised by the consortium the 28-29th May in order to analyse the transfer of the COCOP project results to other sectors.
COCOP presents the paper “Plant-wide communication architecture enabling online life cycle assessment”.
COCOP presents the poster “Multi-step-ahead simulation of dynamic chemical processes using machine learning models”.
COCOP presents the article “A new innovation paradigm: combining technological and social innovation”.
The second review of the project was carried out the 28th March 2019 in Lulea (Sweden), organised by OPTIMATION. The project is running on the schedule and achieving the expected milestones.
COCOP presents the paper “Human Factors in Software Projects for Complex Industrial Processes”.
Several COCOP partners meet to address the human factors in the Steel pilot case development (the 29th in SIDENOR facilities) and work in the Value Proposition Design for the Steel pilot case tool (the 30th in TECNALIA facilities).
The last deliverables of the WP4 (modelling) have been submitted.
COCOP project Software Development is now at full speed and with that goal in mind, Tampere University (TAU) gave an advanced user training at MSIGrupo´s premises from January 15th-17th .
The 4th General meeting of the project was organized the 16-17th October 2018 in the BFI facilities in Düsseldorf.
COCOP presents the paper “Data-driven and Event-driven Integration Architecture for Plant-wide Industrial Process Monitoring and Control”.
The last deliverables of the WP3 (architecture) and the first ones of the WP5 (optimisation and implementation) have been submitted.
COCOP presents the paper “On-line LCA – Integrating LCA into distributed control system” .
COCOP presents the paper “Information Models and Information Exchange in Plant-wide Monitoring and Control of Industrial Processes”.
This workshop co-organised by the SPIRE projects MONSOON, FUDIPO, COPRO and COCOP will take place the 18th October 2018 in Frankfurt (Germany).
This workshop organised by SPIRE will take place the 1st october 2018 in Brussels (Belgium)
The mid-term review of the project was carried out the 26th April 2018 in Brussels with positive feedback.
The 2nd General meeting of the project was organized the 14-15th November 2017 in the TECNALIA facilities in Bilbao.
Representatives from the process industry, technology providers, research organizations and academia are invited to this workshop to review promising technologies for optimal plant operation.
The Process Industry Conference, a SPIRE mid-term policy event, will take place on 19-20-21 September 2017 and it intends to gather all relevant stakeholders for the European Process Industry.
Selected representatives from the different sectors of the process industry and automation experts will be invited to this workshop in order to discuss the current opportunities, new technologies, and future challenges of integrated process automation.