Technische Universität Dortmund (TUDO)

Since its founding about 50 years ago, TU Dortmund University has developed a special profile, encompassing 16 faculties ranging from science and engineering to social sciences and culture studies. In COCOP TU Dortmund University is represented by its Social Research Centre (sfs) being a central research unit of TU Dortmund. sfs is exclusively dedicated to empirical social research and consultancy in all labor-related issues such as organizational and human resources development, vocational training, health and safety, regional development, etc. The mission of sfs, founded in 1946, is to focus on industrial and social change processes. sfs understands itself as a competence center for social innovation.
Along with basic research, TUDO/sfs mainly operates in the area of applied research and advice. It understands its work as a service to and its role as facilitator of social innovation in all areas of society. The institute has major expertise in themes like the management of knowledge (competence) and networks, quality and projects, human resources, health and safety, vocational education and social services, regional, sectoral and labour market development, etc. Research is organised as an interactive process between the stakeholders and actors in a given field and the research team.
Main tasks in the project:
Main task of TUDO is the integration of the technological development in a social innovation related co-creation process right from the beginning.