VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT)

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company established by law. As an impartial non-profit Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and with the national mandate and mission to support economic competitiveness, societal development and innovation, VTT carries out research and innovation activities for the needs of industry and knowledge-based society.
Within Horizon 2020, VTT aims at renewal of European industrial value chains and strengthening of dynamic ecosystems addressing Societal Challenges. All VTT activities are characterised by genuine trans-disciplinary and cross-sectorial approaches and the daily project work is planned and implemented within multi-year, coordinated programmes. Ranked among the leading European RTOs, VTT is committed to responsible collaboration for achieving the Europe 2020 goals by networking with Finnish and European actors in the global context.
Main tasks in the project:
- Development of near-online LCA and Sustainability indicators by VTT’s Process engineering and sustainability team. The team has a background of 20 years of experience in LCA and evaluating sustainability of products, technologies and processes within various industrial sectors.Operator acceptance and support where VTT will bring into the project researchers from their Human factors in complex systems team. The team has a 30-year background in areas such as psychology, user interface design and evaluation, work practise development, co-creation and usage-centred design.
- Modelling and software development via the Systems Modelling and Simulation team, consisting of over 20 experts in field of process simulation as well as software development. The team will contribute to the project work packages dealing with system requirements, architecture design and modelling. The team has been and is actively involved in development of a commercial, state-of-the-art dynamic process simulator (APROS® , www.apros.fi). Furthermore, the team contributes to software engineering issues in several projects, both publicly and commercially funded.