FUDIPO & COCOP final workshop, 11th March 2020

This workshop was co-organised by the SPIRE projects  FUDIPO and COCOP projects The objective was to present the EU perspective on digital operations in process industries and discuss about plant-wide monitoring & control of data-intensive processes.

The EU projects COCOP and FUDIPO presented their vision, objectives, approach and the solutions implemented for different process industry (Steel, Copper, Pulp & Paper, Oil Refining, Heat and Power plants and Waste-Water treatment), evaluating their impact on quality and resources/energy efficiency and analysing their transferability to other sectors.

Moreover other three SPIRE projects, MONSOON, CoPRo and MORSE. all working in similar areas, provided insight on their projects.

In the workshop (see agenda), the COCOP partners presented five talks with the goal of the project and the main results obtained:

  • COCOP – Coordinating Optimisation of Complex Processes (Matti Vilkko - Tampere University of Technology)
  • Co-Creation: Combining Technological and Social Innovation (Antonius Schröder - TU Dortmund)
  • COCOP: Steel pilot case (Felix Bayón - SIDENOR)
  • Optimization of Copper Smelter (Mikko Korpi – OUTOTEC)
  • Transferability Assessment (Peter Craamer - MSI)

--> Click here to view all five talks videos.

And six posters:


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