2nd General meeting, 14-15th November 2017 in Bilbao (TECNALIA)
The main goals of this meeting were:
- to review the main activities and results achieved up to date in each one of the active WPs (WP3-WP4-WP5-WP7) and plan/organise the next steps and activities. Special attention was also paid to the coming deliverables: D3.1 Software architecture description for the runtime system, D3.2 Data repository and case process databases, D3.3 Pre-processing tools for collected data, D3.4 Knowledge processing module, D3.5 Interface and protocol definitions, D3.6 Analysis tools and methods for case studies, D4.3 Case process simulation models and D5.1 Optimization problem formulations
- to advance in the definition of the COCOP architecture concept
- to review the results of the surveys performed to collect the perspective of the engineers and future users in the steel and copper pilot cases and discuss the social requirements
- to launch the exploitation activities with an introductory session to the CANVAS methodology
Several sessions/working groups were organised to address the specific questions/topics identified in advance during a preparatory meeting, such as: sustainability indicators and Off/Online-LCA, Knowledge Management, Data repositories and case process databases, Data Analysis tools, Sub-process optimization and coordination controller.
A Steering Committee was also organised addressing, among other topics, the risk management in each one of the WPs and the Special Interest Group working rules.
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